Mind maps: Events Leading to Confederation

Scan 15 dec 2018

Throughout the course we talked about various events that led to the confederation of Canada. Above I have inserted mind maps about events that I have learnt about in high school. The mind maps go over the Great Migration, The British North America Act, Reasons for Confederation, The Reformers in Upper Canada, and Unrest in Lower Canada. I found that making the connection between the new material and my old material helped better my understanding of these events. My mind maps above touch on topics such as adjusting to British rule and the Quebec Act which we learnt about in our week 7 lecture. (Week7.1slidesHIST1120(F18) ) The information we learnt in HIST 1120 builds on what I have perviously learned. I really enjoyed this course. I loved learning about the development of Canada and the events that lead to what Canada is today. My historical thinking skills have enhanced my critical thinking skills and I have used them to construct other papers I have written: Poli 1210 paper this PDF above is to a paper I wrote for my POLI 1210 class, my newly developed historical thinking skills helped me form my argument. I have learned a lot of useful tools in this course that I will be utilizing in future courses.